Upcoming Events

Pastoral Care and Support
One of the pillars of the CFCA community is Pastoral Care and Support (PCS), formerly know as the Pastoral Formation Office (PFO). Its main objectives are to empower our leaders in providing pastoral care and support to their respective members and help them become effective leaders and shepherds to the flock the Lord has entrusted them.
Family Ministries
"One of the pillars of Couples for Christ Australia is the Family Ministries. CFCA is a ""womb to tomb"" ministry as it caters for all members of the family. Through its programs and activities it provides:
continuity in spiritual formation and pastoral support as they transition from one ministry to another;
assurance of a familiar environment and community culture for the full length of one's early life; and
continued growth in their relationship with the Lord and in their pursuit of life in holiness."

Love in Action
Love in Action (LIA) is the charitable arm of the CFCA community in response to Jesus' call to "bring glad tidings to the poor." CFCA has always had a Work with the Poor Ministry as one of its pillars. The establishment of LIA is one expression of how CFCA lives out its mission of bringing glad tidings to the poor. in 2021 Love in Action attained deductible gift recipient (DGR) status in Australia meaning it can receive donations that are tax deductible.