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CFCA National Conference 2024 ~ Day 3

Writer's picture: Bong AmponBong Ampon

“Fix your eyes on Jesus, press on, bear fruit”

By Rose Ampon (ICM NSW Coordinator)

The third and final day of the Conference dawned bright with a praise and worship led by Bro. Ric Mañalac, a member of the NC-CFCA from Queensland and the current director of communications.

This was followed by the fourth talk on “One Fruit: Unity with God” which was delivered by Bro. Edwin Aguirre, our National Director (NC-CFCA). He summarised the three previous talks, the messages from each talk leading to the final goal of bearing one fruit, which is unity with God. There will be challenges along the way, but we should all press on by spreading God’s love and bringing more people closer to Him. This was followed by a powerful sharing from our Bro. Benjie Santiago.

As Bro. Edwin concluded his talk, he mentioned that the “most miraculous encounter that we can have with our Lord Jesus Christ is the Eucharistic Celebration”.

With Bishop Anthony Randazzo of the Diocese of Broken Bay celebrating the Holy Mass, all the delegates and their families would have experienced that joyful encounter with Jesus as we partook of His Body and Blood as one community. With the angelic voices from our CFCA-NSW choir led by Sis. Mely Adan, our Musical Director, and the PCS NSW Central cluster coordinator with her better-half Bro. Noe Adan, everyone who listened to the songs cannot get enough and would have loved to continue singing their praises to God.

The Creatives that were presented before each talk were prepared by our brothers and sisters in South Australia, Tasmania/Western Australia, Victoria, and Queensland. It was a blessing to hear their sharing. They were good introductions to the talks, making the topic more relatable.

With the conference coming to an end, the much-awaited announcements were done. With our brethren’s hard work and long nights of practices and preparations, Queensland garnered the first place for the praise parade, followed by NSW at second place and South Australia got the third place. The banner design competition winners were South Australia at first place, second place was HOLD and third place went to Tasmania. A big congratulations to everyone but in God’s eyes, we were all winners as we continue to praise and worship Him!

As we said our good-byes, we were also very excited that our brothers and sisters in Western Australia, led by bro. Clark Justiniani, the Area Head in WA, accepted the challenge of hosting our 2025 National Conference.  

We pray for them, and for each other, that for any hurdles we will face we will continue to fix our eyes on Jesus, we will press on and be united with God as we look forward to seeing each other again in Perth, WA.


***Photos taken by Cyril Asuncion***



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