This year's CLP will feature a series of inspiring talks on living the Christian faith, offered at no cost to participants.
The aim of the CLP is to help participants rediscover and enrich their faith in the Lord, strengthen family relationships and friendships, and get to know new people as our parish community grows. This Catholic adult faith formation program includes 12 talks and discussions conducted over weekends. Topics covered include God’s love, what it means to be a Christian, repentance and faith, loving God and neighbour, and life in the Holy Spirit, with opportunities for small group discussions.
From July 21st to August 25th, every Sunday from 2:00 to 5:00 PM at St. Francis de Sales Function Room, 8 Dutton Road, Mt. Barker.
From August 3rd to September 14th, every Saturday from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM at St Margaret Mary Parish Hall, 286 Torrens Road, Croydon Park
From August 4th to October 27th, every Sunday from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM at Brighton Catholic Parish Activity Centre, 24 Strathmore Terrace Brighton
From August 4th to September 15th, every Sunday from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM at Holy Trinity Church Hall, 3 James St Para Hills.