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Discussion of CFCA Members’ Handbook in Household Meetings (Week 1)

Writer: Francis FaustorillaFrancis Faustorilla

Week 1 – Culture in CFCA covering:

1) CFCA is a Catholic Charismatic Community

2) CFCA is a welcoming and culturally diverse community

3) CFCA Code of Conduct

1) CFCA is a Catholic Charismatic Community

CFCA as a Catholic Community operates under the guidance and direction

of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. Our charism, principles,

values, practices, devotions, and activities are always aligned with that of

the Catholic Church. We follow the Catholic Church liturgical year and

observe her Seasons, Feast Days and Holy Days of Obligation. Our members

and leaders are encouraged to actively serve and participate in the worship

life of their respective parishes. Our Covenant calls for our members and

leaders to pray daily, read the Scriptures everyday and meditate on the

message of the Word of God. It also calls for our members and leaders to

attend Mass regularly, at least on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation and

regularly avail of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

As a Charismatic Community we meet regularly in small cell groups called

Households in an atmosphere of love, respect and support for one another

in our effort to grow in our knowledge and love of God, and to show this

love in our attitude towards our neighbours. In our meetings and

assemblies, we exercise our charismatic gifts through lively singing, raising

hands, clapping, vocal praise and worship, prophecy, reading passages from

the Scriptures, speaking/singing in tongues, intercessory prayers and

sharing of faith experiences. We share with one another how the Lord have

touched our lives, the small but significant modern day to day miracle we

experience and the many ways the Holy Spirit manifests His power and gifts

to us.

2) CFCA is a welcoming and culturally diverse community

Australia is a diverse and multicultural country. Australia is home to one of

the world’s oldest indigenous cultures, as well as the millions of Australians

from more than 270 ethnic ancestries and cultural backgrounds. Since

1945, several million people have migrated to Australia from all over the

world. This rich cultural diversity is one of our greatest strengths and is

central to our national identity. Likewise, the Catholic Church in Australia is

also culturally diverse. CFCA is a vibrant, prayerful community, embracing

and respecting the multicultural nature and diverse culture of all ethnic

groups in Australia. Essential to this is our awareness and adherence to the

CFCA Code of Conduct.

CFCA is a culturally and ethnically inclusive community.

3) CFCA Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct is a summary of guidelines for all leaders and

members of Couples for Christ Australia (CFCA) to understand and adhered

to. As a Catholic Christian community, we are expected to live by the Word

of God and the teachings, values, morals and traditions of the Catholic

Church. Our inward and outward behaviour must show our love for God

and neighbours. Leaders of CFCA are expected to show good examples of

leadership to their members, as exemplified by the leadership qualities of

Jesus Christ and His apostles. This code is supplementary to the Covenant of

CFCA and is an expression of one’s love and care for one another. In any

relationship, let us all be guided by 1 John 4:7 “Let us love one another,

because love is of God.”

1. We express our love for God by:

• Actively participating in the activities of CFCA and the parish where

we belong.

• Actively supporting and serving our respective parishes and

participating in the worship life of the Church.

• Faithfully attending regular Household meetings, assemblies,

trainings, pastoral formation teachings and other activities of CFCA.

• Diligently studying the Scriptures and applying the message to our

daily life.

• Generously giving our time, talents, treasures and other gifts in order

to build up God’s Kingdom on earth.

• Being faithful to the Covenant of CFCA.

• Sharing the Gospel to others as ambassadors for Christ.

2. We express our love for others by:

• Loving and caring for our immediate families, extended families,

friends, co-workers and neighbours.

• Showing respect to others, whether they are in agreement with us or


• Supporting the Family Ministries and other Ministries of the CFCA


• Being a positive influence especially to those who need it most.

• Cooperating with leaders and members to achieve our common


• Respecting confidentiality in matters that may arise during prayer

meetings and assemblies.

• Our programs and activities in the Love in Action (Work with the

Poor) Ministry.

• Providing safe and secure environment to our members and leaders

especially those who are vulnerable.

• Avoiding conflicts among members which may undermine genuine


3. As committed members and leaders of CFCA, we are committed to:

• Be faithful to God, the Gospel, our Covenant and to one another.

• Accept personal responsibility and accountability of our own actions

or lack thereof.

• Respect the decision of our elders.

• Respect the opinions of our members.

• Ensure that lines of communications are open, and all information

are cascaded down to the members efficiently and in a timely


• Be honest in all dealings with leaders and members of the


• Avoid actions or speech which may cause distrust and breakdown of


• Follow the precepts and teachings of the Catholic Church.

• Support the activities of our own parish as part of our service and

cooperation with other Christian groups within the parish.

• Avoid sending/sharing negative and/or offensive information, fake

news, false ideologies and messages promoting disunity, disharmony,

division, hate, racism, extremism and other form of discrimination via

the social media.

• In a Christian way, admonish a brother/sister in matters of discipline

or unacceptable behaviour or indifference to the Gospel and

teachings of the Catholic Church.

• Exercise the duty of care to those in need, especially members of the

CFCA community.

• Be a good citizen of Australia by embracing her culture, respecting

her laws and regulations, integrating with the society and actively

participating in the observance and celebration of the major

occasions in this country.



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