Leaders from the Chapters, HOLD and Family Ministries came together on 22nd March 2025 at the Wynnum Community Centre for the 2025 Leaders' Forum. It was a fruitful and well-attended day where the leaders stayed engaged with the topics.
Our day began with Praise & Worship led by Bro Dom De Guia, who moved to Queensland together wiith his family at the start of the year. They jumped straight into service as SFCA Couple Coordinators for the Central Chapter. Bro Dom graciously accepted the important task of leading us into worship at the Leaders' Forum.
I gave the talk on Transformational Leadership where we all learned about different leadership styles and why transformational leadership is one of the strategic imperatives for our 5,000 in 5 journey. As we bring more people along in our faith journey, we also need to grow and transform new leaders.
After lunch, we had lively and engaging workshops on the topics of Effective Communication, Building Strong Relationships, Inspiring Commitment to the Vision, and Spiritually Nourishing Household Meetings. These were effectively facilitated by Bros Jen Gapusan, Gil Domingo, Rod Parfan and Mitch Espares.
Our prayer is that we use the inspirations, ideas and lessons we gathered through this Forum as we all grow to be transformational leaders.