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CFCA Singles for Christ is a Ministry composed of young university students, graduates, professionals and single men and women up to the age of 35. The Ministry’s primary focus is on the single men and women by helping them experience the love of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.

CFCA Singles for Christ also aims to support the mission and vision of Couples for Christ Australia and shares a common culture, and charism and its activities – meetings, programs, teachings, pastoral formation, covenant, principles, values and pastoral structure are similar and consistent with that of CFCA. This Ministry exists to provide an environment for the mature single men and women to honour God through a life of holiness, to empower them to act in humble service, to encourage them to relate in joy with their family, community and the Church and to testify to God’s love.

​The Ministry also provides support and guidance to these matured men and women in discerning God’s call for them and their decision of what profession or vocation to pursue either in the Ordained Ministry, religious life, married life or single blessedness.

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